Joy, Simplicity, and Creativity

The World Wide Web contains a lot of useful information. But it also contains a lot of misinformation, complexity, and noise.

It can be overwhelming. narrows vitally important, but seemingly complex subjects down to their essence.

This makes it much easier for you and others to live a better life.

Do you have a service that will make the world a better place? Maybe you would like to have a subdomain under Wild Wild Web, e.g.,

Happiness, Joy, or Bliss

Learn simple routines that you can use to dramatically enhance the way you experience life.

These routines are brought to you by Systems Mystic.

Creativity / Life Energy training utilizes tools including:

  • The Mozart Flow
  • Bliss Exercises
  • Bliss Writing
  • Bliss Speaking
  • Intuitive Chi.
  • You can use the above tools for creativity as well as for empowering happiness.

    Economic Understanding

    Set yourself free from the mumbo jumbo that supposedly explains how our economic system works. You can read simple explanations that help you discover the impact of various economic policies.

    If you want to experiment with various economic policies, you can run simulations and see the results on civilization. You can orchestrate homelessness, crime rates, drug usage, health levels … It all is managed by economic polices.

    And yes - the right economic policies can fuel an Age of Abundance with dramatic unfolding of creativity, productivity, and bliss.

    If there is sufficient demand, we can create a massive, worldwide economic game that helps you compete with others for riches. This is a game where the rules (economic policies) are secret, so the players have the challenge of figuring out the rules. This could be fun and educational. The winner will get to be the anonymous rule-maker for the next game.


    Learn and practice techniques you can use to make yourself more creative.

    Many of these techniques are brought to you by Systems Mystic.

    Others, including the work of Win Wenger, are gathered from around The Web.

    Deliberate Creativity


    Your business is strictly your business. You can decide what to share with whom.

    All of our websites have always honored the privacy of our subscribers and visitors. We never made a big deal out of it. That's simply the way to behave.

    We can recommend resources to help you maintain your privacy in web browsing and email communication.

    Much More

    This is just the beginning. But this should suffice for now.

    Here are some things to consider.

    You have to be different to make a difference.

    If people think you're crazy for pursuing your dreams, you are probably on the right track.

    Brought to you by Systems Mystic